28 Dec 2012

How Wet Has 2012 Been? Rainfall in the UK in 2012

Rainfall in the UK has been in the news almost every week of 2012. From the drought early in 2012 to the floods ever since. And yet the year has not been especially wet. 
How Wet Has 2012 Been? Rainfall in the UK in 2012

19 Dec 2012

10 Dec 2012

Farewell Patrick Moore

Those of us who grew up in the fifties, sixties or even later, and who have had any interest at all in science, but especially in the planets and stars, will be saddened by the passing of a man who was a childhood hero for so many of us, Sir Patrick Moore...
Farewell Patrick Moore

8 Dec 2012

Going Global with Novanna

One of the benefits for a business of selling products via a website is that it's easy to track sales and measure the effectiveness of your marketing. A business like Novanna Measurement Systems, with a huge range of measurement and testing products, can keep track with the minimum of human input. That's the theory, anyway! More... Going Global with Novanna